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How to make Customize SEO Strategy for Your Business?

How to make Customize SEO Strategy for Your Business?

Every business or digital marketer needs to change its SEO strategies to compete in digital marketing.

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Now SEO is advanced as compared to old days search engines are working on Artificial Intelligence modules So just using the old school techniques like searching the keywords only and creating content according to that will not work anymore. In 2022 we can not be depended only & only on keywords

So every business or digital marketer needs to change their SEO strategies to compete in digital marketing. Here in this post, you will learn what is an SEO strategy and how to make customized SEO strategies for your business in 2022.

"SEO Strategy is a complete process to optimizing and organizing website content to appear your website in top search engine result pages to get more traffic"

Having an SEO strategy is important because it provides you with a complete road map of what to do and what not. Without it you will work blindly & that will not produce any results.

A clean SEO strategy helps to create a content plan that is needed by your customers as well it helps to create backlinks to improve the authority of your website.

Here are the steps to create a custom SEO strategy for your business in 2022

1) Identify the problems of your business or solutions for the customer

2) Conduct an SEO Audit

3) Do keyword research & topic analysis

4) Research your online competitors / analyze the Google first page

5) Create unique / quality content for keywords

6) Optimize your website for On-Page SEO factors

7) Resolve All the technical issues of your Website

8) Improve website loading speed

9) Improve UI design / user-focused & responsive design

10) Do local SEO For a local business

11) Optimize your website for voice search

12) Branded vs non-branded Strategy

13) Measure performance on SEO analytic tools

Identify the Problems of your business or solutions for the customer:

It is the most important factor to identify the needs of your customer if you want to grow your business online or offline. When someone puts a query in the Search engine on which your business or related to your business is showing in the SERP you should know the intent or purpose of that query why users come to the search engine then you can fulfil your customer needs by providing the right products and services.

There are three types of user Intent

1) Transactional Keywords:

In this type of keywords, users want to buy something or near to buy there are also further types of transactional keywords like branded keywords, commercial keywords ( Eg. Baby toys deals, Nike Shoes for men)

SEPR - Search Engine Result Page

2) Navigational Keywords:

In this type, users want to go to some specific pages but didn't know the exact web page or have less time to type the complete URL eg. (Facebook Login, Gmail Signup, TechStrive Services)

SEPR - Search Engine Result Page

3) Informational Keywords:

In this type, the user wants to know about anything he looks for. These keywords have high traffic but are quite generic (Questions & Comparisons keywords these are the informational keywords)

i.e. How to make a custom SEO strategy for your business in 2022

So knowing the customer's intent can help you to decide which type of content you have to create for specific keywords. Sometimes a video will be a better option and sometimes a brief article.

Conduct An SEO Audit:

An SEO audit helps to detect the issues of the website whether these are technical issues or others. Most businesses ignore the SEO audit but it is a necessary and the first step before optimization of your website. An SEO expert can do a manual SEO audit but as a layman, you can also conduct an SEO audit by a tool there are a lot of paid and free tools in the market that provides in-detail SEO audit reports

There are two types of SEO Audit.

Technical SEO Audit:

Normally you can do technical audits through tools such as Ahref, Semrush, Screaming frog and many more of these tools or you can hire an SEO expert that can thoroughly audit your website. There are a number of issues that you need to address in the technical audit

1) Broken Pages

2) Duplicate Pages

3) Missing Meta Tags

4) Broken Images

5) Canonical Issues

6) Slow Website Speed

7) Poor Indexation

8) Missing Sitemap

9) Robot.txt Issues

Website Audit - Website SEO Health Report - TechStrive

Search Visibility Audit:

This audit helps us to know how our site is performing on the search engine. By doing this audit we can know about the following thing

1) Total Number of Traffic

2) Traffic Sources

3) Our Top Pages

4) Top keywords Of Our Website

and many other metrics related to visibility and traffic.

So before making a custom SEO strategy for your business make sure to do a complete SEO audit of your website so that you can make the right decisions.

Keywords Research and Analysis

Do keyword research & analysis:

After the website audit, it's time to start the SEO and the first and foremost step of SEO is keyword research. Keywords are the words or phrases that a user uses to search for anything on the Search engines. The whole SEO and strategies depend on the keywords you can say is the backbone of SEO. If you do it in the right way then there are more chances to succeed.

Through proper keywords research, you can get a relevant and high volume of traffic. There are mainly two types of keywords

1) Short Tail keywords OR Focused Keywords: These are the keywords that have high volume but low intent and are highly competitive

2) Long Tail Keywords: These are the keywords with low volume but with a clear intent and less competitive

We should use keywords according to our business nature.

Find right keywords: There are a number of ways to find the keywords. Here are the possible ways by which you can collect the keywords from different sources.

Brainstorming Ideas: As a business owner you know well about your services and the customers so first off all write down all the words which a customer can use to find your business and then put that idea in a keyword analyzer tool to check the volume and competition for those keywords

From Google SERP:

You can pick the keywords from Google search suggestions and also from the Bottom of Google SERP. These are the more useful keywords.

Google Search Result Page
Related Searches

Google Search Suggestions
Search Suggestions

From Competitors Website:

Add the competitor's website in any of the keywords analyzer tools like google keyword planner, AHref, Semrush or any other you will get all the keywords of your competitors.

After collecting the keywords from different sources compile the main file and choose the final keywords according to keywords volume and difficulty and relevancy about your business.

Keywords Research and Analysis

Research Your Online Competitors / Analyze the Google First Page

In simple words, competitor research and analysis is a process to analyze other brands and websites that occupy first place on SERP. Does it help us to know how difficult it is to get the top position in the SERP? There are a number of things that we should measure in competitors' analysis.

● Organic Traffic

● Top-ranked pages

● Top-ranked keywords of the website

● Link building strategies

● Content / Blog strategies

● Their Unique Selling Points

● Their Call to Actions

● Their Social Media Platforms

Technical Analysis of Competitors Includes:

● Their Website Page Speed

● Website Design And User Flow

● Technical Implementation of Website

● Mobile Friendliness

Why do you need to do competitor analysis? The reason is that if you want to be ranked on a target keyword but when you search those keywords some brands show on the top search results and get good traffic To outrank those competitors you need to analyze your competitors and drill down deeply then make your SEO Strategy how to outrank them.

You can do competitors analyses manually and as well as buy tools but to get better results first you need to analyse the competitors manually then add them to a specific tool. There are a lot of paid and free tools that provide in-depth detail in every aspect.

Steps To Do Competitors Analysis:

1) Put your keywords in the search engine on which you want to rank for

2) Collect All the top websites that are appearing in SERP against that keywords

3) Add the top competitor's website in the tool like Ahref, Semrush and analyse all the above elements

4) Compared Your website with the competitor's website

5) Collect all the data of the first competitor and add it to the excel file

6) Do the above steps for all the 10 competitors

7) Finally make the best SEO strategy as compared to all of your competitors

Create Unique / Quality Content for keywords

Content is king in digital marketing but most of the time we neglect the importance of content. According to Andrey Lipattsev (Google Search Quality Senior Strategist) content is the top third ranking factor in SEO.

When we think about the content plane or Writing there are only 3 things that come to our minds

1) Better Content

2) Unique Content

Always try to create unique or better content to outrank your competitors. For example: if I search about custom SEO strategies and there is a lot of content that exists in the market then the first thing we can do is to create better content as compared to others. If someone talks about only theoretical points you can add theoretical & practical as well.

The second solution is to change the topic and write on a unique topic so that your content can stand out in the market but it should be quality content.

Once your content will stand out in the SERP you will get a number of benefits through your content that is also a ranking factors

1) Free social Shares

2) Free Backlinks

3) Reviews

So unique and quality content can help you to boost other ranking factors as well.

Creating and Aligning Your Content With Search Intent:

Search Intent is the most important factor nowadays. Google knows the meaning behind a keyword because Google wants to fulfil the needs of its users. If google will not do so users will move to other search engines So Google’s first priority is users, not any ABC website.

How to optimize your content for search Intent:

1) Search your target keywords in the search engine

2) Analyse the to 10 to 20 results which type of results showing against that query.

If the results are informational then creating services pages for that keywords is a waste of time. Like if the results are “How to? Top 10 things?” then you can create blogs for that keywords because google users didn't want your services pages for that keywords.

3) After clearing the intent of the keyword you can create the type of content according to the intent of the keyword.

4) Now your intent is clear but if you will not map the keywords set to related pages your traffic will not convert and will bounce back. For example, if someone wants to buy something and he just searches a commercial query but your blog pages are showing in the SERP then there is more chances user will bounce back and will not make any purchase

So keep in mind that creating content according to users intent then map the content to the right pages.

Optimizing Your Website For On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO is a wide part of SEO. If your content is extraordinary but if it is not ranked according to the specific set of keywords content will never rank. There are a lot of on-page SEO factors that count by google like:

● Meta title

● Meta Descriptions

● URL Optimization

● Internal Linking

● Heading Tags

● Image Optimization

● Website speed

● Schema

● Breadcrumbs and so much more

SEO Meta title is the most important rank factor in SEO but Meta Descriptions is not a       ranking factor however it can increase the click-through rate on the website.

There are a lot of On-Page SEO factors that we can cover but for the time we are explaining the 3 important SEO factors that work in 2022.

Meta Title :

The meta title is the most important on-page SEO ranking factor as well as it helps a lot to increase the click-through rate.

SEO Practices to Optimize Meta Title:

1) Length should be between 50 to 70 characters

2) Mention your brand name in the title

3) Add your specific call to action if you have anyone i.e. if you are offering some discounts or free services you can mention in the title to attract the customers

H1 Tag:

Heading tags are the most important elements on a web page that help the users and search engines to get an overview of the page.

Optimizing H1 Tags:

1) User Precise and Short Heading Tag

2) Put your main keyword in it

Internal Linking:

Internal is also an important factor that helps the crawlers to travel on the website easily and if google bots can easily travel through our website it will help to get indexing faster and save our crawl budget as well.

Recommendations For Internal Linking:

1) Links all of your subpages to main pages

2) Links main pages to their corresponding subpages

3) Links from all the necessary pages towards the home page.

Resolve All the technical Issues of Your Website: 

Working on keywords and content will not be beneficial if your website has technical issues. Technical SEO is important whether you are struggling with paid traffic or organic traffic. An SEO Audit can help you to detect all the technical and on-page SEO issues of the website that should be addressed on time.

For example, If your website has a number of broken pages when a user will land on these pages it will impact badly so these types of issues will be resolved asap. 

On the other hand, if your website pages are not indexed in the search engine then how your pages will be visible on Google. 

You can do a technical SEO Audit on popular SEO tools like Semrush, Ahref, Deep Crawler & Screaming frog. Most all the tools categorise the technical errors into three sections 

1) Errors

2) Warning 

3) Notices

Errors are the most critical issues that affect our  website badly first of all we need to fix them after that we go for the warnings and then step by step on the notices.

There are the following types of errors you can face during a technical SEO Audit

1) Broken Pages ( 404 )

2) Redirected Issues

3) Duplicate Content Issue

4) Canonical Issues

5) Slow Pages

6) No Index Pages

7) Missing Images Alt 

8) Broken Images

9) Missing Sitemap.xml

10) Missing Meta title & descriptions

these are just a few issues.

How to do Website Technical Audit: 

Pick an SEO tool > Go to the Site audit section > Add your website URL there and start to crawl the website. It will take a few minutes to hours according to the size of your website. After a while, you will get a report of all the technical issues of your website. 

If you don't have time to do a technical audit of the website you can hire an SEO expert for the website technical audit and fix all the issues.

Website Audit - Website SEO Health Report - TechStrive
Website Technical Audit

Improve Website Loading Speed:

Page speed is the time that a web page takes to completely load. But why is it so important and why does google count it as a ranking factor? No one likes the slow pages and normally users bounce back or leave the page if a page takes longer times to load. It impacts badly on the website and user experience. That's the reason Google makes an algorithm that is specially designed. According to Google, 70% of your page content should be loaded in less than 3 seconds. 

There are several factors that can impact the page speed you can optimize these to improve the website speed

1) Size of Images: Image size should not be more than 200Kb

2) Size of Videos, Audio, animations: Use compressed and light videos and media 

3) Website Hosting: don't go for the cheap hosting service, prefer the one that is fast and reliable.

4) Dense Code: Remove extra Html, CSS and other scripts from your pages

5) Embedded Images: Use embedded images and media don't put all the media on your host

6) Plugins: Remove extra plugins and don't install many plugins to accomplish one task

7) Website theme: Use a simple theme that fulfils your requirements, don't mess up with the extra features that you don't need. 

8) Ads: Don't run too many ads it’s slowing down website speed

How to test your website speed: 

There are plenty of tools to test the website speed. Google also provides its own tool like Google Page speed insight. You can also test your website on Gtmetrix. It is an awesome tool. 

1) Go to the Google Speed Insight 

2) Add the website URL and test 

3) Check your website speed for desktop

4) Check your website speed for mobile 

5) Download the report

PageSpeed Insights Report - TechStrive
TechStrive Speed Testing on Google Page Speed Insight

Suggestions: If your website takes more than 3 seconds to load then check all the elements that are the reason then hire an expert to fix it. 

Improve UI Design / User-Focused & Responsive Design

If we think about the root cause of why google makes a search engine ranking algorithm the answer is simple Google wants to provide high-quality data to its users so these algorithms filter the data by various factors one of the most important is User experience. 

The number of factors that impact the user experience 

1) Website Design

2) Website Speed

3) Website Content 

4) Website on a mobile 

How to Optimize your website for UX: 

Create easy to use website structure and makes clear navigation on your website 

Improve your website speed on desktop and mobile 

Use healthy content that contains images, videos etc.

The main goal is to satisfy the search intent and engage them with your content. It will reduce your website bounce rate and improve well time. 

How to test the UI/UX of your website: 

There are a number of tools to measure the UI/UX of your Website Google search console also provide this feature 

Go to Google Search Console 

Click on your property 

Click on user experience 

Analyze your website pages on mobile and desktop and fix the affected pages.

DO Local SEO For a Local Business

Local SEO is the best tool for traffic if your business is new or a startup. It helps to target the local audience of your town. According to Google, 90% of users come online to find local businesses. You should compulsory focus on Local SEO if your business is physical moreover it is also important if you selected a market geographically. 

To improve your local SEO you should update Google my Business data and other local listings that are popular in your target regions. Register your business on all the local listings with your business name, address and phone number.

GMB Listing - TechStrive
TechStrive Google My Business

If you detect that your business needs local SEO then make a strategy to show up your website for local queries. You should research the geo-specific keywords and optimize them for your business. 

Optimize your pages for local keywords with the city names and nearby locations.

Optimize Website for Voice Search: 

Voice search is the fastest type of growing search in 2022. People don't bother to type for search; they find it easy by searching their solution verbally. In the future, it will grow up more because there is a lot of gadget like Alexa are present in the market which helps people to perform a task just by detecting their voice.

Optimization of your website for voice search is not the same as we optimize for search queries. According to Bing voice search takes 6 to 10 words so we should optimize our website for long term keywords in this way we can dominate the voice search.

Google Speak to Search
Google Voice Search

Branded VS Non-Branded Strategy:

When a layman searches about a term he doesn't know much about which brands are selling that product and the exact name of the product it is called branded searches and it is the first funnel of the market. 

Eg. Running shoes

Search Performed on Google
Non Branded Keywords

On the other hand, if the user knows about the brand and the product then surely he will search branded keywords he will search about the comparison of different brands. 

Eg. TechStrive SEO services

Search Snippets - TechStrive
Branded Keywords

Non branded keywords are more important because anyone can search them and our website can show against that queries. Moreover, these queries have a high volume as compared to branded keywords. 

If your brand is famous and our branded keywords have some volume then definitely you should optimize your website for those terms.

Measure Performance On SEO Analytic Tools

This is the final and most important step. After doing all of our SEO efforts we should track our KPI on Google Analytics or other analytics tools. We can track the following things. 

1) Number of conversions

2) Total Number of traffic 

3) Top Ranked Pages 

4) Top regions of traffic 

5) Devices 

6) Click-Through Rate 

7) Bounce Rate 

These are just a few. There are a lot of other KPIs that we can track in our SEO campaign. After tracking these KPIs we can make our SEO strategy accordingly. We can decide on which factors we need to work on more and which are great opportunities for us.

Conclusion: We have discussed all the crucial custom SEO strategies for your business in 2022. Follow this guide to get the most benefits from SEO  or Hire our SEO services in Berlin our experts will handle all the SEO’s related issues. We always focused to help out the clients by providing them with in-depth knowledge. Visit our blog to get more tips about SEO or contact us.

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